Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Seminar Hi-Jinks #1(I WON!)

Every Seminar that I can, I will blog about things that happened to me so far. Since right now Seminar is the first class of the day, not that much has happened, except:

I WON!!!!!

There was this lottery drawing type thing where several people could get prizes if they turned in this anagram worksheet and I won!

What I picked out was a basket (they're all baskets) with chocolate, starbursts, pencils, pens, bunny posters, and Twilight Journals and tin to match!

I was originally going to pick out this one other one with a bunch of posters, but someone else already got it. Another one I was thinking about getting was this basket with dragon stuff, but I already have the Dragononlogy book. So, I picked this basket!

Well, I gotta go and do some homework, so end of Seminar Hi-Jinks #1!


Blondi said...

Good job!!! you are lucky one!!! remember one time you won a pie too!!! when you old enough buy some lottery tickets!

Christina RN LMT said...

Heh, I'm not surprised! You were always the door prize/raffle winner!

I agree with Blondi...buy lottery tickets when it's legal!

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If I haven't said enough, I ain't sayin' any more.