And I have to learn not to care. For instance, I absolutely adore Ultraviolet and Transformers 2. And I don't give a shit, or at least I'm trying not to. I had the very fortunate luck of seeing these movies before hearing other people's opinions of these movies. I got to judge them my own. One part of Ultraviolet, that was my favorite, was this part when this older "mentor" type of guy (played by the badass William Fichtner, whose respect I gained because of his awesomeness in Equlibrium, TDK, and Prison Break) to Ultraviolet (the main chick) responds to UV's question. She was wondering why he bothered to keep her alive. He got all teary-eyed and said, "Isn't it obvious?" or something like that. Oh God, that part gets me EVERYTIME. That and all the awesome action scenes. I guess I miss the point of some movies. Like when people are asked what was the best part of Wolverine (I HATE THAT MOVIE, btw), most of them state naked Hugh Jackman. The first thing I mentioned was LIEV SCHREIBER! And my twin looked at me weirdly and asked, "What else?" I shrugged, and she was like, "Uh hello, what about Hugh Jackman?" and I'm like, "Oh yeah, him too." Now to get back on track, there are "bad" movies that have parts that stick out to me that feel real (like the part of UV mentioned above), and that's what changes the outcome of me liking some movies sometimes. It's weird. Like, sure, UV had a BUNCH of plot holes and horrible dialog (ok well not THAT much, on the dialog part anyway), that scene changed how I viewed that movie significantly. I don't know, I guess I'm weird.
I also don't like some "classic" movies, such as, I hate to say it, Fargo. I tried to like that movie so much, but I was so bored. Maybe I "just don't get it", or something. Well at least I have some credit, considering I absolutely love Silence of the Lambs.
Speaking of awesome movies, here are some movies I REALLY am looking forward to:
The robots are so awesome and the part with Sam holding a gun bein all emotional - I LURVE Shia LeBeouf - this is gonna be FUGGIN AWESOME!!!!! This has less chance of sucking because even Michael Bay mentioned Transformers 2 was a little less than sub par (I still like the movie - it could've been better).
Please don't suck like X-Men Origins Wolverine, Please don't suck, please don't suck, PLEASE DON'T SUCK!!!! This movie looks SO much better than I thought it'd be - hopefully it delivers.
There are many other movies I'm looking forward to - even HP7pt2, even if that trailer is hilarious as hell ("NO!" X 7).
Well that's it for now. This was going to be an April post, but it's May. Whatevs.
PS: Is it just me, or is Michael Fassbender (Magneto) hot? RAWR.
PSS: This just said it was May 1, but now April 30 it says. Whatevs, this was posted in MAY.
Complaints, Revelations, Reviews, Randomness, but mostly Complaints, of a Teenager on the Brink of Boredom and Insanity
Saturday, April 30, 2011
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- memory_lucky12
- United Kingdom
- If I haven't said enough, I ain't sayin' any more.
LOL. I agree with you on the Ultraviolet scene. I thought that was one of the only good scenes in the movie. Milla Jovovich and William Fichtner need to get together in another movie. I still hate Ultraviolet, just like I hate Dracula 1992, I Spit On Your Grave Remake, and Legion. I might do a blog post on those, too.
GRRRRRRRR ARGH Whatevs we have different opinions so yeah
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