Sunday, June 27, 2010

I can't. I won't. And just don't.

I can't believe it. I just can't.

I can't believe that Star Wars Episodes 1, 2, and 3 are bad. I simply won't believe it. I thought it was cool, depressing, and Anakin was fucking sexy. I didn't even think that Jar Jar Binks was even that annoying!


Tell me you can't look at that face without falling in love? MMM! Sexy beast.

I also love Jumper. Awesome premise, great effects, and so much potential (can't wait til the sequel). Also, David is hot and Griffin is awesome.

Picture of "David": See above.

Picture of Billy Ell- I mean Griffin:


I just realized. He's cuter than I remembered ;)

Heroes is a great show. It was just beginning to turn for the better when it was canceled. Oh dear sweet Jesus that happens too often. And not just to shows...

Original Source (of a way bigger version):

How could they cancel the show? There's way too many hot guys (and awesome powers) !

Twilight (the books - and perhaps the movies) have true love. And don't say high schoolers can't fall in love. They can.


Seriously though. Edward is not the hottest (ahem, HELLO Emmett and Jasper!).

Oh but seriously, RJ > Bedward infinite times. I think RJ proves that in a short amount of time, people, even young, can find their true love and are willing to die for each other and bring families together, even in tragedy.


Another thing that proves this 'theory' of true love in a short amount of time:


Seriously. It does.

Anyways, RJ is (one of) my favorite couple(s). Ever since 9th Grade English... Don't say they're not a real couple.

I think I'll always be an English nut. Kind of...

I want to learn more about Egyptian and Greek mythology. Seriously, how awesome would it be just to say "For the love of Helios!" or "For the love of Anubis!" and actually know the references? You'd actually be smart instead of pretending to be and it'd be awesome to know the stories (especially if you're trying to add mythology to your story).


Best modern, mythology incorporating book series (and arguably my most favorite out of (almost) every book series) EVER!

Aaaaaand, back to Twilight.

Oh and by the way, Stephenie Meyer can write. Just not that well in the case of Twilight. But read her short story (Hell on Earth) in Prom Nights From Hell. And besides, she DOES have an English degree (seriously she does). So don't tell me she's an awful writer. Well okay you can, it's your opinion. I have my own opinion. She gets inspiration from the best love stories and her dreams. Kind of sounds like me. Hopefully I won't get as much backlash...


It's a great book. I loved almost all of it (a lot of them ended open ended though... except for one (The Corsage)).


Well yeah. More random thoughts from a strange teenager. Yay.

And seriously. Don't. Just don't.

Don't hate the playah, hate the game.

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