Maid Marian

Your royal blood might be your undoing
Or it shall be your making
Those you love you are losing
Their lives are up for the taking
You struggle to find them
Look for guidance at the centre
The darkness you should not condemn
Answers and allies you will find there
Find the bow that binds you
Strike swift and silent
And may the truth forever find you
Perhaps the curse karma brought will relent
After much debate between me and only me, I decided upon an OC (original character) named Lyra Malfoy to be Maid Marian. It was originally another OC, but then I realized this character fit so much better with the prophecy. Lyra Malfoy is (duh) from Harry Potter and another major storyline in this story is that of Constantine (the movie). She is nicknamed "The Enchantress" after a certain annoying...female dog (not an actual dog) in a certain animated awesome 1991 movie because the first person she cursed was someone who rejected her. She made him a reaper (his story is mostly with Beauty's story... you see where I'm getting at). She's cursed several other people and her main archnemesis is the daughter of Linton Midnite (from Constantine). Lyra is a pure-blood witch from the Malfoy family. She is the only one with dark hair. She went to Hogwarts for two years, before dropping out and joining another school (this school is no doubt inspired by the school from the newest movies of St. Trinian's). She then went on to train with Mr. Midnite, along with three others, two of them including her first cursed and her archnemesis. Basically, Lyra starts out a villain, but spends what feels like three years in purgatory after remaining dead for three hours. She then receives the prophecy card, as well as a curse from Mr. Midnite's daughter, which she doesn't even fight to resist, for she feels guilty for all the pain she's caused. And that's all I'm sayin' for now.
Movin' on.
I watched many movies recently.
Tron: Legacy

Oh my God. It was breathtaking. It was stunning and the music was so awesome. Despite receiving mediocre reviews, it was better than Avatar. And that's saying something, coming from me. The acting was much better than Avatar's (oh my God I actually saw tears). I have to make a special mention for Ms. Olivia Wilde, who basically made her character, Quorra, what she is. Olivia Wilde specifically did not want her character to be just another shallow action chick, so she gave interesting quirks to her character, and made her unique. I thought this was more original than Avatar, because it didn't rip off so blatantly (almost every movie 'rips off' something, but people who have the guts to call Avatar original despite the fact of how much it doesn't deviate from the basic storyline see something in the story that perhaps I'm missing). The story felt fresh. There were layers of story telling. Like, there was the basic story, but then there were different things (for lack of a better word) underneath. When interpreting this movie, you're not pulling shit out of your ass like I normally do for shallow movies (I am not talking about Avatar by the way) to be a smart ass (you know the whole "What if?" scheme). There are things put there that people can discuss. And yes. That's what all movie makers should do. The directors and the writers and the actors and everyone should do that. But lately, it's kind of hard to come by. So when they give this movie a 49%, and yet they celebrate the somewhat mediocre REMAKE (not sequel, like this) of, say, Karate Kid (I do like that movie by the way), by giving it more than Tron Legacy, it's insulting. And the whole debacle with the Golden Globes I don't feel like going into. This teaches me not to listen to the critics, but to what I think. So, if you have a chance to watch Tron: Legacy, WATCH IT. It's so awesome. Oh, and by the way, Jeff Bridges channeling 'The Dude' (from The Big Lebowski) is a bonus.
Moving on.
The Green Hornet

I watched this on Friday and I have mixed feelings about this movie. This movie was overall good, to me. However, there were some things that bothered me. I wish this movie was more like Kick-Ass. It blended comedy and action fairly well, with drama. This movie blended a little too much comedy with action and not enough drama. I mean the dude's father died, and when he found out the truth about it, he wasn't sad enough! There could have been so many different dramatic deviations pulled out of this and they didn't go with it! Also, I wanted to see if Seth Rogen could play someone different. Well, he can kind of. He still plays a bumbling dumbass for a lot of the movie, but his character Britt Reid takes a level in badass so he can kick some serious ass by the climax. I hated how they didn't highlight the fact that he can take some guys too earlier in the movie, because all his childhood he spent fighting kids. Where is the experience from that? Also, he felt heroic when he was a kid and he even remarks about it, but he doesn't feel the least bit heroic. That is my problem. I was rooting way more for Chudnofsky (the bad guy) and Kato. Reid was acting like too much of a jackass. Also, his character just seemed a dimensional, until he takes a level badass. I just wish Seth Rogen got to flex his acting muscles (if there anymore) more. I loved the technology, a lot of the jokes were funny. Kato was just a Chinese ball of pure badass. And Cameron Diaz played a RATIONAL CHICK. Who is super smart. And (spoiler) doesn't get with any of the guys at the end. She's like "I'm not kissing you! And I'm not kissing you!" She's, like, the opposite of Bella Swan. The villain was like Hans Landa, except Hans Landa's comical side. It's like you can't take him seriously until he blows your head off. But then again, THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT. My consensus is, the first half to two thirds has good parts, but some bothersome parts too; the last half to two thirds is just pure badassery. Especially the climax. So maybe or maybe not see it in theaters, but if there's a sequel, it's probably gonna be better if they keeping going in the direction set by the climax.
Movin' Oooooon!!!!

This movie is bloody disgusting, has gratuitous nudity, body parts flying everywhere a cellphone coming out of a place it never should have been in (thank God they don't actually show it), and an old guy making with women that are possibly young enough to be his granddaughters. AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!
It's so violent, it doesn't hold back it just goes ALL OUT. It is purposefully shot like it was made in the 70's (yet we know it isn't actually in the 70's - the cellphones and the birthyear of Machete showing prominent). I like how it's not polished and shot modernly (is that even a word), otherwise it would have taken away from the feel of it. So if you don't like gorn or squick moments don't watch it (I can't watch some parts of the movie). But if you can get past that and see all the awesomeness of a shoot-em-up revenge flick, then you will enjoy the living awesome out of it.
Now I know I mentioned a certain other movie in the title of this blog post, but I decided I am going to talk about it some other time, for there are so many things I could discuss about it, it's just too much for this blog post. However, with this movie, I have a newfound celebrity crush: Joseph Gordon-Levitt! He is such a cutie pie. He has sung Bad Romance and hosted an episode of SNL, among other things. So I leave you with several videos of his awesomeness (note: some of them are flipped to avoid being banned, according to the poster). Enjoy!
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