At first when I heard of this, I was like, "Ah,
hell no!" This has got to be one of the most beautiful love stories in my opinion that I've ever seen. It had Patrick Swayze (he was SO GORGEOUS!!!!), Jennifer Grey (badass honey bunny married to Clark Gregg, who plays
this badass mofo), and Jerry Orbach (who I first knew as Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast - yeah
that one).
And then I heard that
this guy was directing it, I was like, "Ah,
fuck no!"
But then I read
this article.
I've got to say, even though I said I didn't hate him, I still kind of do. But I have a love/hate type of thing going for his articles. Basically anytime he mentions Robsten (the Robert Pattinson/Kristen Stewart coupling), or tries to cause trouble (which is a lot), he makes me want to tear my computer to shreds. However, when he has casting ideas, they are usually
fucking epic (except for the two other suggestions for Johnny),
especially when he mentions Garrett Hedlund. The fact that he loves this guy keeps me from completely hating him.
So, anyway, Mr. Casablanca suggested Garrett Hedlund as one of the choices for Johnny Castle. Um,
sign me up!
I would
totally watch this if it had Garrett Hedlund as Johnny. He can sing, act, and he has that misunderstood sexy woobie vibe going on. He is so perfect!
Also, a note that my twin pointed out, before we go on to the main subject of this post:
Kenny Ortega did the choreography for the original one. Also, in the article listed above (mentioning him), he knows that there is a certain risk to making a remake, and he wouldn't shove hip-hop dancing down our throats. Well, at least he didn't do that for HSM, This Is It, or most of his other films. Hopefully, he will do that with this.
Okay, so anyway, that Ted Casablanca article got me thinking:
What are some good choices for the characters?
And, well, because no one demanded it, here are my choices for the different characters:
Johnny Castle
Choice Number One:
Garrett Hedlund
My reasoning: This picture, and see above.
Choice Number Two:
Chris Hemsworth
My reasoning: He's a fantastic actor, tall, muscular, deep voice... oh and this:
Yeah. He can fucking
dance. DAMN. I would say something along the lines of "Dat Ass" or "I could watch his...I mean, I could watch him dancing all day", but I really think that would be overstepping the boundaries just a pinch.
Frances "Baby" Houseman
I happen to have, like, five choices for this role:
Choice One:
Emily Browning
Her nickname in Sucker Punch was Babydoll. She can act with her eyes. She plays an innocent, yet strong character in both of the movies I have seen her in (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Sucker Punch). Also, she just has that look.
Choice Two:
Selena Gomez
I know many would probably kill me for suggesting a Disney actress for the role of Baby, but you know what I say to that? I don't give a fuck. She can sing, and yes, she can dance, as shown in Another Cinderella Story (unless if someone else did the dancing, which I have yet to hear). She also is not a bad actress, from what I've seen (yes I watched Wizards of Waverly Place for a little while). She's very much a young bombshell, an essence of youth, and she still maintains an air of innocence. So yes, she would be a good choice.
Choice Three:
AnnaSophia Robb
To be honest, she is probably my favorite choice. In everything I've seen her in, she proved she can take on the role. In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, she portrayed an arrogant overachiever with such bratty annoyance, perfect for the role. In Because of Winn Dixie, she played the new girl with a feeling of loneliness that is extremely convincing, and she actively shows the character development that the character goes through in the movie. And in Jumper, her performance easily outshines the rest of the actors, save Max Thieriot (they both portray the young versions of the main characters), and Jamie Bell. I didn't even recognize her; she became a teenager mature beyond her years, someone who would defend someone being uselessly ridiculed. Someone who showed real concern for someone who disappeared without a trace. And she had chemistry with the main man. She and he made a promise that this movie would be full of intrigue, drama, suspense and action, a promise that the main actors unfortunately broke. And that role, of only a few minutes, is the reason why I think she is absolutely perfect for Baby.
Choice Four:
Ellen Page
From what I saw of The American Crime, Ellen Page can be innocent and caring, yet strong. That is also what I saw of her in Inception. Although she might not be the most perfect choice, I could see her pulling it off. She can be young, she is an incredible actress with gravitas (as seen in Inception and, yes, Juno). So, yeah, not bad.
Choice Five:
Elle Fanning (if the movie were delayed for a couple of years)
I think she would be perfect - only if she was a bit older! She is probably one of the best actresses I have seen in a long time, able to invoke emotion without forcing it upon us. She is able to capture the innocence of childhood, yet the harshness of reality - in a Sci Fi movie,
at the age of thirteen. So, please, if this movie could be delayed, cast her!
Other Suggestions:
Mia Wasikowska
Chelsea Kane
Vanessa Hudgens
Emmy Rossum
Dr. Jake Houseman
Four Choices:
Gary Oldman
He's Gary fucking Oldman. A chameleon; he successfully played two father figures in two completely different ways (Harry Potter movies and Batman movies). He can be understanding, yet obtuse, a contradiction sought after by many, but not easily played well. He can be kind, yet disappointed, even though I haven't seen him in many movies (yeah, I'm not a true movie geek), but I know he can do this, because, as I've said before, he's Gary fucking Oldman.
Hugh Laurie
I've barely seen anything with him in it (unfortunately, I'm not a regular watcher of House). However, he has that look of fatherly qualities, and from what I've seen of him (the first Stuart Little movie, and a couple of House episodes), he can definitely play a complex character, capable of compassion, rage, and pure snark. Perhaps this is the Dr. Houseman I've been looking for. After all, Hugh Laurie most famously plays a man named Dr. House.
Kevin Bacon
Well, first off, I absolutely adore Kevin Bacon (and I know that's "strange" for a teenage girl to admit). Second, an honorable mention that's he's been in Footloose, but that doesn't matter, considering I'm supposed to be basing casting decisions on what's needed for the role, and he certainly doesn't need to dance. But he's an actor of fine caliber, actually my favorite choice for the role. I've seen him as a dancer (duh, Footloose), a businessman turned revenge gangsta type of dude (I'm bad at describing), and, most recently, an energy stealing villain and more. Why am I mentioning this? Because I'm showing you he can be a chameleon, but you already knew that, because he's Kevin Bacon. He's great at being protective of his on screen children from what I've seen, and, as I've just said, he can pretty much do any role. So yeah. Don't let my positive bias and obvious favor for this guy fool you, he's still fucking awesome.
Robert Downey Jr.
I take it back - this man is perfect for the part. A well to do man, protective of his family, all wise, yet not all knowing, and accepting at the end. Hell, he pretty much played the part already in Charlie Bartlett, sans well to do (he's kind of a drunk). In that movie, he's reluctant to let go of his daughter to this "strange and dangerous" young man. Oh, and how great would it be to see Thor and Iron Man in the same movie fighting over a young woman important to them? Uh, RDJ, how soon can you do the part?
Other Suggestions:
Liev Schreiber
Hugo Weaving
Christoph Waltz
Max Kellerman
Alec Baldwin
He's a smarmy, tough businessman. Who else but Alec Baldwin could play him?
Another suggestion:
Tim Robbins
Penny Johnson
She's the former girlfriend, yet still bff of Johnny Castle. Also, she's the original dance partner.
Two Choices:
Yaya Dacosta
She can dance, from what I've seen of her in Take the Lead. She knows how to be professional with beauty, so she knows how to portray professional with beauty (she was in America's Next Top Model, and Tron Legacy). And also from what I've seen from Take the Lead, she can do drama, pretty damn well. Hell, if she was a bit younger, she could probably play Baby.
Abbie Cornish
She pretty much plays this role already in Sucker Punch - old time dancer reluctant of the new girl at first, but then accepts her and lets her save her. Yeah, she's the best actress for the role.
Other Suggestions:
Olivia Wilde
Summer Glau
Rashida Jones
Jena Malone
Lisa Houseman
Two choices:
Kat Dennings
Snarky, yet sort of understanding. This is Kat Dennings' role in most of her movies. Plus, she's a looker.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
She's beautiful, yet can play snarky. Just see her in Live Free or Die Hard.
Other Suggestions:
Natalia Tena
Lea Michele
Brie Larson
Lindsay Lohan
Marjorie Houseman
Dana Delany
She can be a housewife, a standout, and definitely someone that RDJ would get with. I have no other reason, except I can just picture her as that role.
Another suggestion:
Lauren Graham
Neil Kellerman
Basically the "other guy".
Two Choices:
Johnny Simmons
He played the other guy in Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (kind of). He also played kind of clueless, but adorkable as well. So, someone sign him up!
Nicholas Hoult
He played adorkable, and extremely sexy nerdy in X Men First Class. Also, he played someone who just didn't get the chick he was attempting to win over. Even more perfect for this role.
Another suggestion:
Max Irons
Robbie Gould
The not-so-loveable asshole womanizer. Aka, Mr. Douchenozzle.
Two Choices:
Shia Labeouf
Damn Shia! I used to love you so much! Then you became kind of a douche. So, be a man and poke fun at yourself by portraying this character! Because we all know Robbie could
never beat up Johnny, just as you could never,
ever beat up Tom Hardy.
Cam Gigandet
He plays a total douche in Never Back Down, and he's more of a believable womanizer than Shia Labeouf.
Another suggestion:
Mark Salling
And that's the end of my long,
long blog post. Any other suggestions or comments, well, comment!