First off, WOW. I didn't know a girl about my age could sing like that, nevertheless a girl from Gossip Girl and of a rock band. Yes, this girl's name is Taylor Momsen (Cindy Lou Who! Also, the rest of the band is awesome from what I've heard as well).
And now for a song from this band, The Pretty Reckless. This song's seriously emo, but TOTALLY awesome. It's called "Make Me Wanna Die" from the Kick Ass Movie soundtrack (I KNOW!!!). Just watch this weird video:
Yeah, I know, kind of risqué, but who cares?
Now I know many opinions of this girl are awful. But what's awful is no one gives the music attention, just her "tasteless" words. Now I don't agree with everything she's said or says, but seriously. I've heard way worse words. And so what if she wears too much eyeshadow or eyeliner, or if she dresses "like a hooker"? She's only 17! Calm the fuck down! Seriously! She's outspoken. She dresses differently. She actually is edgy, unlike Miley Cyrus, who just tries too hard. So, people (and by people, I mostly mean E!Network*), get over it.

Another poor soul who is victim to the venom of words is poor Lindsay Lohan. She is an amazing actress. She's extremely talented. And she's kind of a drunkard. Yeah, she's going to rehab to the fifth time, but that's mostly accredited to her parents and to the people who won't leave her alone. I know she has to take responsibility for her actions, but no one will give her the room to actually get better. It's so annoying. Do I think she'll survive. If she's a strong soul, yeah. She has a lot of friends, contrary to popular belief, that actually care for her. She'll probably pull a Britney Spears on us while Hollywood and tabloids pick their next victim.
However, in light of tomorrow (I shall wear purple), I have to shed light another matter, a rather similar matter.
Some of us are aware of a recent surge of suicides due to bullying. A rather recent victim happened a young man named Tyler Clementi.

Now I read a special article on bullying from People Magazine in light of these recent events. Comments were made by several people who knew him. They said he was a shy guy, but whenever he played the violin, he came alive. Something just bothered me about that. Why did he have to commit suicide? He could've turned to his violin for inspiration instead of listening to words and actions of hate. And it makes me think... What would've happened if he hadn't committed suicide? If he brushed it off? If they never hurt him? I don't know why, but it's like I feel his pain or something and it hurts me that he turned to such a drastic measure. I just hope his pain has ended, I hope he's in a happier place, and I hope he knows now more people will be saved from such measures because of the awareness his situation brought to it. I hope he knows, that even if I never knew him, and I'm taking a cue from V for Vendetta, that I love him, that people love him and will remember.
So, I guess in conclusion, talent is overshadowed by events so horrible. For instance, so many great talents have succumbed to death in sadness and insomnia, and maybe a little bit of drugs for some (Tyler Clementi, and more famous ones, such as Marilyn Monroe, River Phoenix, Heath Ledger, Brittany Murphy, and many, many others...). Others are subject to words so awful, like Taylor Momsen, Lindsay Lohan, and the bullied victims mentioned in the article (many of which overcome those words of hate, I am happy to report). Basically, death is rampant in another blog post of mine... I hope this doesn't pass through people's ears, only to be forgotten. I hope I don't forget.
Well, I'll wear purple tomorrow. In Honor of the suicide victims.
Wonderful post, Chaos. I shall wear purple tomorrow, too. I agree about Lindsey Lohan, btw. I think she has an amazing talent, and I'm sorry she's drunk it away.
That was Cindy Lou Who? Wow.
Thanks for making me feel old. ;)
Yeah, the song may be emo, but it rocks. The girl has talent.
And I agree with you about Lindsey Lohan - to an extent. The girl is gifted, but she's throwing it away on booze and drugs. Her celebrity puts her in the spotlight, and I'm sure that's hard, but it has also gotten her second, and third, and fourth, and fifth chances with the legal system that you or I would never get.
She's too deep into addiction to see that she's not a star any more - she's just a drug abusing drunk who used to be Lindsey Lohan.
The sooner she realizes that ugly truth, the sooner she'll beat her addiction and rebuild her career.
Your posts are awesome, sistah! Maybe I should read them more...
Great post. Dude! That was Cindy Lou Who. And now I'm feeling old.
That song isn't emo. It's 90's grunge style. Kurt Cobain et al.
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