Sort of.
Whatever I didn't like in Breaking Dawn surely can be made up for (for the most part) from The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.

What a tragedy, that Stephenie Meyer's best book (of what I've read) ends in tragedy. That her most interesting characters must perish. Why, Stephenie Meyer, why?
The story was much more engaging than her previous novels. I found myself wondering what happened next even though I already knew what happened next. I was rooting for the characters, feeling for them, for once.
The premise was enticing, the potential, so much. Most of it was fulfilled. Oh, if Ms. Meyer only addressed the loose ends in another book... But then again, what would our imaginations be for anyways?
I know I've given Stephenie Meyer flack so much before. But I must say, she does know at least a little about writing. It's unfortunate that her most interesting characters are the supporting characters. But then again, it's not. It gives room for the mind to wander and wonder.
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner was more realistic, more dark, more sorrowful. It just felt so real, and it almost allowed me to forgive Stephenie Meyer for the sparkling. After all, Bree wouldn't stop calling the vampires "disco ball vampires". Seriously. But the movies made everything worse... The books are so much better.
In essence, Stephenie Meyer, I may not be your biggest fan, but I will be more weary before I criticize you. I underestimated you. Congratulations.
In other "news", I'm really starting to get serious about writing. My fanfic, that is. Also, I'm starting to gain new perspective. I'm starting to figure out what I want. It's weird... I guess I might be maturing?
Anyway, back to the fanfic. This is from a rough draft of a new one I'm working on. I hope this one is much better than Roses and Poetry (I will give that beautiful redemption - I have to). The working title is "Angels and Maniacs in Tranquility":
"I just sat there. Seriously. That's all I did. I didn't cry upon hearing the news. I just sat, and stared. Most people would've cried, but I've felt enough to cease feeling anything truly deep. The silence wasn't awkward, it was almost... welcoming.
"Oh my God! I can't believe it! This is SO not fair!" My cousin, Delilah Greene, yelled while storming in through the front door.
The normal smile (so fake) was gone, as a more familiar pout showed on Delilah's face. My sister's honey blonde, pixie-cut hair, normally in place, was now extremely messy. Her fair heart-shaped face was red with frustration. It looks like she didn't get her way again.
"Don't use God's name in vein, Delilah," I pointed out. I have been of the more theological viewpoint ever since my mother told me the truth about my father, and ever since she died. Now it seemed I would become even more so upon hearing the current state of my father's... death.
If anyone could hear my thoughts right now, they would probably wonder why I'm thinking rather eloquently. It's because my life was shaken by certain life changing events.
Delilah rolled her blue eyes, now contrasted by the red in them, retorting, "Like you would do any different. I mean, I can't believe Mom's doing this to me!" She looked at my uncle, Winston Greene, her father, while saying this. He remained silent. He looked back at me with piercing brown eyes and said, quietly, "If there's anything you would like to know about him, or your mother, please ask me. I was once a good friend of his, and of Lydia's." I didn't even flinch when he mentioned my mother's name.
Delilah looked at both of us with fleeting curiosity, then continued with pleading her case to her dad. "The party is tomorrow and Mom's making me go to another one of those galas!"
Just then, my aunt Elise walked through the door, carrying about six or seven grocery bags on her arms. Sometimes I wondered if she was superhuman. "Honey, they need to know that we are a normal family, not like my brother."
"Well then why isn't Amanda going?"
She should've known the answer to this.
"Delilah, you most certainly know why." Elise answered, while placing the bags on the counter.
"Oh yeah, that's right. She has her freak therapy sessions."
"Delilah..." My uncle began to say, knowing what I've been through recently. But apparently, the death of my mother and a drastic change in lifestyle didn't permit me to be angry once in a while. So they enrolled me in anger therapy sessions, so I could talk about my problems in a "safe environment."
But seriously, I think Delilah should be the one in therapy. She has a major bitch complex.
With the door still open, my aunt said, in a commanding tone, "Girls! The trunk's still open and full of groceries! Get a move on!"
We proceeded to go to the car to grab groceries.
After we were done with unloading the groceries, I saw Uncle Winston at the couch, watching Fox News. What else?
The show was with that man with a chalkboard, Glenn Beck I think. He was talking about the recent news of the whole brain transplant fiasco at the domestic side of Stark Industries, and about the man at the heart of it all, Robert Stark. Then he proceeded to complain about the big gala being held to celebrate Brandon Stark's new status as the new CEO of this branch of Stark Industries. He was talking about the big money they're spending in this awful economy, and how Robert's brother, Tony Stark, hasn't exactly been much better. He then started talking about the absence of their sister...
"Honey, will you shut that off please?" Aunt Elise asked. She was always a little... fidgety when they mentioned her in the news.
"Oh great, so Brandon's gonna be there? Great."
"Well no shit. It is in his honor."
She sighed. "Whatever, Amanda. At least Uncle Tony'll be there. He's always awesome to talk to."
Not like they've been doing much talking.
I guess one could see why my aunt Elise dropped out of the spotlight. She just wanted a normal life. And what's weird is, I'm starting to think Delilah wants one too. Or maybe she doesn't want to be outshined by any other family member.
The phone rang with the jingle "Blackbirds" by Linkin Park. Oh wait. That's my phone, still suspiciously in my aunt's purse. She took it away as punishment, but I wonder if she looked through it.
Unfortunately, the ringtone signified who was calling.
My archnemesis with a special place in my heart.
Eric Banes.
I yelled to my aunt, "Elise? Can I please pick that up?"
She glared at me. She took out my cellphone, draped in the colors of both the American and Irish flags. The ringtone, one of my recent additions to my favorite songs list, was still going off. If Eric ever knew what I placed as his ringtone, he would most likely ridicule me endlessly. No doubt payback for all the merciless things I've done to him. But I needed to answer this.
This was the second-to-last day of summer. Summer vacation, anyways. So yeah, I'd be spending my last day of freedom in prison. But Eric said he was going to call me this day regarding an important subject matter.
My aunt then did one of those unspeakable acts of horror that I must actually, you know, speak about.
She answered."
Well, that's an excerpt.
The character narrating is not an OC. She's a character from the fourth season of Heroes (Amanda Strazzula). Spoilers are obviously given. This fanfic will not only center on her, but on others. It's not only gonna be Heroes (it will involve angels, vampires, demigods and more!). So, keep looking out for that (if you wish to).
Here is the link to a companion one shot to Roses and Poetry and this previous fanfic as well called "Lily Echo and the Watchmaker" featuring Sylar and an OC:
Lily Echo and the Watch Maker
And here is the sixth chapter to Roses and Poetry:
Roses and Poetry
So yeah. Those are my stories so far.
I feel so weird, wanting to see movies that normally wouldn't peak my interest. I mean really, a film about the founding of Facebook? Or a film about a king getting over his stammer?
But something about the stories, how they were conveyed through their respective trailers just... spoke to me. It's like, I want to see more movies. I want to open my eyes to movies I would be uninterested in or too scared to see. I feel like I'm missing out. No more cringing at awkward moments. It's time I enjoyed movies and actually tried to pay attention, tried to understand them.
Here are the trailers. Maybe you might see what I saw. Or maybe not... Either way, here they are:
The King's Speech:
The Social Network:
So yeah. I don't know, I just feel like I wanna see those movies.
And here's a song that's totally emo, yet I find a little beautiful:
Cut - Plumb
That is my blog post for the day. If I forget anything, I will be posting more. Then again, I will be posting more regardless.
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