Saturday, June 27, 2009

Rhythm, dear.

Always on my mind these words sound so nice.

But I can't speak them aloud, just keep them to myself, gotta say them with rhythm.

Say it with a little pizazz. Say it to a dance.

Love always escapes me; I try to grasp what it may feel like... Independence sounds nice, though...

Run away these words so nice and lovely. Why can't I stand up instead of falling down? Maybe it feels so nice the air and the words that fly by.

Inspiration comes to me at the strangest of times. Like on a ferris wheel, on a chair, in a room so dirty, the chamber I wash myself in and I sing and dance and dream...

I'm so sick of waiting to be rescued I want to rescue myself. I also want a ; semicolon... A smile ensues to a rhythm and to the words and the dreams I need to sing and shout and love I need to stop to hate hating and hate cause that's all I do is hate.

Explosion in these words comes out of my mouth - all I need is a song to sing them a totally awesome rhythm a person to meet a Muse to conquer or just to acquaint myself with...

A lover would be so nice, someone not to save me but someone I could save, I could heal in doing so I will heal myself.

I just dance and sway to a standard I will live by. I'm a woman; I will kick ass today and every next day, no more waiting, sick of patience and tolerance. Insults are not good enough anymore.

I can't listen to them anymore on the flashing TV's, hell what do they know about the woman who drank and took those killers of pain, who had a daughter so kind, about the man who left so much behind he didn't deserve to die, his daughter waiting for him, failed love that should've worked out, about a man who finally left his hurt body, about the many mistakes he made, about the many people who also miss him, about the people happy to see him gone... It's a curse of prescription drugs, I tell you... 07 Anna, 08 Heath, 09 Michael...

I can't stand insults those words that are meant to do damage like they can hell they're so stupid I hear the everyday everywhere from everyone including myself if only I could love love and hate hate instead of the love of hate and the hate of love why?

Pride independence, love, awesomeness, hell yeah.

Hate, Bottling it up, No repeat on a song I've been listenin to for hours, hell THAT sucks.

My egotistical ways will be eradicated by the Muse that has been me all this time... I just need a little rhythm, dear... A little song, a little solace, rebellion, speaking out, a little intolerance, impatience, will...

And here I go, listenin to that song again... Hey, whatever works ;) ...

Drop that g on that word, cause I feel like it, I'll do whatever the hell I want, invisibility may have been fun while it lasted, so has the secret sorrow, frustration, patience, tolerance, HELL NO! Not anymore. I will dance in the middle of the day and everyone will love me, hate me, ask who the hell is that chick in the middle of the street, well it's me! It's the girl who's not invisible, who's so stupidly awesome right now, but it will wear off, cause I can only talk, I can't act on my words, I'm too scared, well not for long.

My dreams and words so nice, well not so nice are swirling around in a chaotic mess so random and grey it's beautiful.

Another quick smile.

Don't put a rainstorm on my day, inspiration will come true my darling dear.

Then again, don't shine the sun on my wonderfully weird day, sunshine is SO boring...

Bring on the rain, bitches! WHOO!

Sorry for the "french" heh heh

Ass kicking is what I want to do, I don't want to be inspired any more I want to inspire some awesomeness.

The song plays again! It's my anthem. My song, it is so beautifully rhythmic, awesome, independent, it's my standard now.

No Prince Charming for me. I want the bad boy that no one approves of, except for me, of course. I want to hate him so badly first then love him so unexpectedly if only he was real...

Maybe he is ;).

Rhythm dear, it's what gets me going, besides chocolate and movies and love... heh

My fingers are dancing I run to rhythm I scrub a dub dub to rhythm I block out noise and stupid words to rhythm I walk to it...

There's no such thing as depression and anxiety unless it gets you in the gut... It's done that before. It has. But I don't need stupid pills (thank god people think the same as I do, otherwise I would be taking pills I don't have depression).

I didn't capitalize the "g" in "God" so what he's need some slack cut he has a huge job don't patronize him so much I'm sure he's sick of it...

Some scraps of my soul say I need to be saved some say no but that's what I'll do. I'll tell those two sides of me to shut the fuck up and I'll just go in the middle he'll save me I'll save him. Maybe it's because I'm a Sagi-Scorpio. Fire and Water don't too well together they are complete opposites I always go in the middle avoid confrontation because I can't decide on one thing because I have two conscious minds two souls in one I really hope I have one soul...

Rhythm, dear. No two sides. No sides at all. Shades of grey middle, dawn, dusk, no night and day, just time...

If only I could call someone my own and live with them and love them for ∞

cause I need someone to truly love (besides my lovely family, don't worry you're not forgotten) I need something to keep me from choosing sides or believing both product of grey (and maybe divorce...) I'm so sick of it. I don't believe any of you except the mediator in the confrontation. I shouldn't care what people think these are my words, my rhythm, dear darling. Just understand don't be mad I just hate the shit flung at each other I've taken it too long.

Words just keep coming and coming and coming and coming and coming

I've kept it in for way too long bottles break glass shatters but words break things they don't break themselves you can't take back the blows you've dealt.

Friends and parents fight I'm always stuck in the middle just shut up and just eat some brownies and have some rhythm join in everybody in some screwed up harmony watch a movie converse don't fight over money or boy toys or who said what it gets annoying don't drag me down.

I love swaying to the rhythm of this addicting song yes I'm still listening to it raw emotions the truth I WANT THE TRUTH

don't blame the bad words on the opposite side friends, parents, political parties, countries, presidents, celebrities TELL THE TRUTH

don't tarnish the name of a kind one or a dead one unless that man or woman was horrible in essence so terrible with a soul that's not one

I need to explode and pick up the pieces and put me together and I'll be so much better

It's like throwing up you don't want to do it but when you do you feel SO MUCH BETTER!

I don't want a knight in shining armor on his gallant steed I want a guy in a leather jacket and jeans on a motorcycle he's driving he's hurting so bitter he crashes I pick up his pieces he picks up mine and we'll feel so much better

Oh it's a dream of mine shut up it's awesome and cheesey and awesomely cheesey

Shut up cheese tastes good just don't get too much...

Sleep is overcoming me hey I can sleep to the rhythm, dear ;)


Christina RN LMT said...

Oh. My. God.
Chaos, this is extraordinarily beautiful and moving. You're so talented! I love it.

Anonymous said...

Read this earlier and came away very impressed consider the age of its author. I'm looking forward to more of your work.

Don E. Brockette

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If I haven't said enough, I ain't sayin' any more.