Sleeping Beauty

You fell into a dark sleep
Your world was too much to take
The pain of the butterflies, too much to keep
Away from them, you then became awake
In your dream you find truth
This dream is your true making
But you must fully wake from your half-truth
Bring the two truths together in your waking
When you fully wake, you will find power
And an ally you will find of time and dreaming
Help will come from both in truth’s darkest hour
Save those from the Shadow ever scheming
This is about an OC named Alicia Kowalski, mostly from Heroes and Superman Returns.
Aaaaaaand moving on.
So, I actually got an AWESOME birthmas present (both for my b-day and Christmas): a Netflix account! My mom is the one who got one for me! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! My first movie got sent out: Charlie Bartlett. Tally's movie that got sent out is Friday Night Lights. OMFG IT HAS GARRETT HEDLUND!!!!!
Which brings me to my next subject...
Tron Muthaf**kin Legacy.
This movie looks so awesome, I can't describe it (Tally is extremely excited for this movie as well). We're probably going to see it for our birthday - in IMAX 3D. Oh yeah! I would love to see Garrett Hedlund's face that close... But of course that's not the only thing! Here is the official final trailer:
Here is a music video done by Daft Punk (they did the music for the movie!):
Forgive me for my excessive Caps-lock-ing... I just can't help it!
And finally, I've been listening to the new Linkin Park cd (A Thousand Suns) and most of it is made of win and weird! Part of it sounds like strange ballad-y almost generic but totally awesome rock. But a lot of it sounds robotic, and has kind of a weird rhythm and it is almost steam punk and I would totally use it for Tron Legacy. The only thing I don't like about this CD is the last track.
I'm really looking forward to Tron Legacy. The trailer looks amazing. You are most welcome for your Birthmas gift, my dear! I hope you're enjoying it!
And *I* am thoroughly enjoying your poetry, please keep it coming.
Love you!
Did you read the Alice one on Tuesday? I like that one better...
And thank you!
And Tron Legacy will be tot amazing.
Oh, and I didn't even know that Linkin Park had a new album out...the things I learn by reading your blog!
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