Okay, this "reflection" idea was kinda taken from my mom, from her post on Thanksgiving. Kinda.
You see, I was watching Stargate, the original movie. I didn't finish it (I will tomorrow morning). I realized something strange.
There are two main characters of the movie. One is the very blue eyed Kurt Russell and the other is a very geeky, slightly annoying, shaggy haired James Spader.
I realized several things about these actors and their characters, O'Neil and Jackson.
One: Kurt Russell had extremely blue eyes. This comes from my mouth just hours after I talk about the creepiness of Stuntman Mike.
Two: James Spader is also in a Robert Rodriguez movie, as Kurt Russell is (Grindhouse, I believe). James, however, is in Shorts, as the main villain, who actually is somewhat cynical.
Three: I find James Spader in Stargate (NOT IN SHORTS) somewhat... how do I put this without sounding strange? ... attractive. I most likely talking about his character. Maybe it's because I'm super tired right now and might regret saying this, but I found him somewhat attractive. Okay, so maybe his character is so stereotypical nerd, with the allergies and the glasses and the total smartassness and he's somewhat annoying. But his character is totally in to Ancient Egyptian culture, and I liked his shaggy hair (while a few hours ago, the whole family was bashing Tom Brady's shaggy hair while I liked it). His glasses put a nice touch. I don't know, maybe I'm super crazy, and I'm usually oblivious to total annoyance (I didn't mind Wesley from Star Trek Next Gen OR Jar Jar Binks), so maybe my view is biased. Is there something wrong with me? Why am I finding the one who is made to be unattractive attractive? Maybe there's nothing wrong with me. I've always been into nerds AND super hot guys. But if I ever find a hot nerd with a totally awesome personality, he's a keeper.
And while I'm on the subject of whom I find attractive, let's get something clear. I'm mostly heterosexual. Mostly. When I say that, it means I'm looking for a man. I'm mostly attracted to men. But I'm not against falling in love with a chick. If I do so, I do so. Like, I totally would date Christina Hendricks. I totally have a crush on her, as much as I have a crush on some guy celebrities. So, I'm looking for a man, but I'm not closing my mind, you know?
So yeah. Reflections on (a little past) Turkey Day. Good night.
Complaints, Revelations, Reviews, Randomness, but mostly Complaints, of a Teenager on the Brink of Boredom and Insanity
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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- memory_lucky12
- United Kingdom
- If I haven't said enough, I ain't sayin' any more.
I love your blog. Don't stop doing that. You are a very tallented girl! I love you with all my heart!
Thank you!
WOW. Nice blogpost, Sweetie!
I don't know how I missed it, since you're in my reader. Must have been all that studying I was doing over Thanksgiving weekend.
I totally get the James Spader thing. Plus, he's a pretty good actor. I've seen him play all kinds of parts from jerk rich boy to geeky stargate nerd. Kind of have to respect that.
Hi and happy birthday!
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