
Wondering if you could stand
You took the past with one hand
And wondering if you could lie
You took all the time to fly
And the past comes back to haunt and love you
In the form of cursed family and a heroic man
Royal blood is oft a curse of family and hand
And that is where the trouble brews
You fight so valiantly
So wonderful you can protect
But tests of loyalty are hard to detect
And curses come back so diligently
I wrote this today. This one alludes to not an OC, but Natalia Romanova of Iron Man fame (Black Widow anyone?). I'm not sure where this one is going, but I like it. In fact, because of this one, I'm probably gonna rewrite at least two of them since they're not...real, they feel fake. Well, at least one of them does. They could be better.
Aaaaaand moving on.
Okay so today I watched Charlie Bartlett, a movie with two of my favorite actors in it (Anton Yelchin and Robert Downey Jr). So here is what I think.

Okay so basically this movie is about a kid named Charlie (Anton Yelchin) who is the spawn of a somewhat crazy rich mother. He has been kicked out a lot of private schools, so he goes to a public school for a change. At first, he's bullied. But then, he becomes a somewhat psychiatrist as well as provider of prescription drugs and suddenly becomes extremely popular. All the while he falls for a girl (Kat Dennings) who happens to be the daughter of a somewhat alcoholic principal (ROBERT DOWNEY JR, BIZNITCHES!!!!).
I loved it. I love how they balance comedy and drama. It feels almost real, and I say almost, because high school is almost never fully portrayed accurately in Hollywood. But many of the situations felt real, and the acting didn't feel forced. It came naturally. Anton Yelchin is a natural, as well as RDJ. It's great to see the chemistry between these two. Like in this one scene: (MAJOR SPOILER) Charlie goes to the principal's house (this is near the end of the movie) to ask the now former Principal Gardner to see if he wanted to see his daughter in a play, and Charlie finds the front door open and he finds Susan's (that's the chick's name) dad with alcohol in one hand and he simply stated, "What is it this time Charles?" or something along the lines of that. I don't want to give the rest away, but it involves RDJ, a pool, Anton Yelchin, a bottle of scotch, and... a revolver.(END MAJOR SPOILER) Yeah. AWESOME CHEMISTRY.
I know I can't explain it that well, so you'd have to see the awesomeness that is this movie to know for yourself.
On the side note: I just watched SATC2 - Okay, a little unbelievable, not nearly as bad as the reviewers were making it out to be (for a chick flick).
I have to go to bed before I'm caught up so, good night!
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