Thursday, January 22, 2009


I, in honor of Heath Ledger, since he died this day a year ago, was supposed to watch TDK. But, I decided not to go with my sister and my friend to the friend's house. I decided to go home instead. Stupid decision. I was watching TDK with my brother when we wants the lights on. My brother, who's not even in elementary school anymore, wants the fucking lights on during one of the most awesome movies ever. He doesn't care. So the only way to keep the lights off was to let our dog in. Keep in mind, this dog loves to chew me. So we're watching the movie with this dog and the dog randomly comes to me and starts chewing my sweater. I tell him no, he doesn't listen. I yell no, he keeps chewing. I ask my brother to help me, and he says I have to learn my lesson. I shout "What lesson?". So I let the dog out, he turns on the lights and we stop the movie. I have to pick the disc and box he so carelessly through out of his room, since our "DVD" player is in his room. I used to like that, because someone could be watching a movie in that room and tv in another. But now I don't. I try to say to him, "I guess we can have Tuzik." And he said "Too late." I kept asking him if I could watch the movie, and Mom says that I should watch it tomorrow when he watches his wrestling. I tried to say that I can't watch it tomorrow, but I couldn't say my reason. They wouldn't understand. They don't care. I wish I went with my friend and sister instead of going home. I'm actually crying. That could also be ascribed to my lack of sleep. In chorus, I was falling asleep while standing up and singing. That's a first. Anyways, I feel terrible that I have no way to commemorate this awesome actor. Only way is to blog. But that's not very honorable. I could always have a belated commemoration tommorow. Or I could have two: one in blog today, one in movie-viewing tomorrow. So yeah. I think I'll have both.

Heath Ledger, you were an awesome actor. You were unique, and there will never be anyone like you again. So, here's to you, your family, your friends, and your good, true fans. Have an awesome afterlife while we watch your movies, dude!

1 comment:

Christina RN LMT said...

I'm sorry things didn't work out like you planned, Chaos. I'm sure if Heath is out there anywhere, he appreciates your efforts!

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