Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Irony is Truly Here... And so is the Burger King...

Situational Irony to be exact! But it's a good kind of irony - and it's been tossed in with fate to blend to create the perfect balance of awesomeness. I am totally over rating this, but I'm telling you, it's fate.

I have this *MEGA* fanfic called "Golden" because the color of my main character's eyes. They play an important part because they hold her identity. I had to think of a real name for her, so I decided upon Aurelia, because it sounded like aurora, but it was not too obvious. Also, it's one of my favorite names.

I was on babynames.com (I use it to find names for my characters) last night, and I was curious to find more about that name. I typed in Aurelia in the search box. The information I found out was shocking.

Okay, first off I saw the rating. Not too shocking, since it was a good rating for a good name. Second, I found out it was Latin. I personally thought it was Greek. Third, I found out it was the female form of the name Aurleius. That was a little shocking, since I didn't think there could possibly be a male form of that name. But the fourth thing was perhaps the most shocking.

The meaning of the name. Could you guess what it was? I certainly wasn't prepared for the meaning.

The meaning of the name read exactly like this:


WTF!!! I'm telling you, it's fate. It's totally fate that I named my character and my fanfic pretty much the same thing.

Oh, I had a fun time today, btw. I got to watch Romeo and Juliet as a live play with A LIVE ORCHESTRA at the Holland Performing Arts Center. And all I had to pay was $5 for the bus fare. Oh yeah.

And then after that, I got to go to a mall food court and eat real food instead of school food (which I got sick from TWICE). I ate Burger King. Here's exactly what I ate/drank:

1 box of small fries
1 Jr Whopper
1 Water
2 Chocolate Milkshakes

Totally worth the dehydration, but then again, that's why I got the water.

So, that was my FIELD TRIP day. Yeah.

1 comment:

Christina RN LMT said...

I could have told you that...;)


Glad you enjoyed your field trip, honey.

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