Saturday, January 31, 2009


The reason why I say again is because this happened to me before. Except, I was not the perfectionist I am today (when it comes to school) and I had way more time. AND I only had one.

I have TWO F's on my progress report. AND a C. AND a B that shouldn't be a B. It was all because of my two sick days. They screwed up EVERYTHING. I had missing assignments. But then I turned them in. The F in American History should be fixed. And maybe the F in Honors Geometry. I have no idea why I have a C in Biology. I'll have to talk to my teacher about that. As for the B, it stands for BULLSHIT. I only have one assignment that's a B in that class. The rest are 100%'s! I'm DEFINITELY going to talk to my teacher about that. The rest are A's!

I played Rock Band 2 yesterday. I sang a lot of songs. I believe this is the amount:

7 songs by themselves
2 Mystery Setlists
1 Battle of the Vans Setlist
2 Make Your Own Setlists
1 London's Local Pride Setilist
Another Make Your Own Setlist

That adds up to: 35 songs. That was totally fun.

So yeah. At least I didn't have to play the drums in all of those songs (my dad did). He's a kick ass drummer. My brother and my sister switched right before the London's Local Pride.

As for my grades some of my friends (actually I only think one) would be happy with MY progress report. She always uses her grades to say that my grades aren't that bad...

I tell her that she can have A's too, as long as she applies herself. Then she says, no thanks, Mom. At least I tried to convince her.

Well I've been on the toilet for 30 minutes now, so I think I should leave.

*Note: No iPods were harmed or made disgusting through the making of this post.


Christina RN LMT said...

Fight for your rights! Or at least, fight for the right GRADES!

I love Rockband, I'm glad you guys had fun. I'm going to have to invest and get a 360 and the game, oh, yes...

Anonymous said...


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If I haven't said enough, I ain't sayin' any more.